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  • 江西财经大学:芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学Mikko Siponen教授来校讲学

    来源: 2018-03-20 10:53:43

    江西财经大学:芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学Mikko Siponen教授来校讲学


    314日下午,芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学信息技术学院科研副院长Mikko Siponen教授莅临信息管理学院举办了一场题为《How to publish in top information systems journals(如何在信息系统领域顶级期刊发表论文)》的学术报告。信息管理院长毛小兵、副院长沈波、杨勇、万建香等学院领导,信息管理系主任潘颖慧以及相关专业老师和博士研究生、硕士研究生等60余人参加并聆听了此次报告会。报告会由我院信息管理系毛明松老师主持。


    该报告主要面向教师和高年级研究生,对信息系统高水平论文撰写和投稿作了详细介绍和指导。Mikko Siponen教授以信息系统领域期刊排名开始,介绍了这些期刊的影响力以及发表的难易程度。以排名第一的《MIS Quarterly》为例,分享他在顶级期刊的投稿和修改经历。最后,Mikko总结了从事信息系统领域中有关选题和研究方法的注意事项,指出高水平论文的发表既需要理论研究上的钻研创新,也需要投稿过程中的耐心坚持。


    会后,Mikko Siponen教授还和我院领导和信息管理系就展开合作办学和科研合作进行了洽谈,双方期待在今后展开各层次的国际合作和交流。

    (图文/信息管理学院    编辑/姜莹)


    Mikko Siponen,芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学(University of Jyväskylä)信息技术学院科研副院长。近年来在本领域发表多篇研究论文,Google Scholar引用次数超过7200次,H-index 达到42。已有55篇论文发表在如MIS Quarterly Information Systems Research等信息系统领域顶级期刊,多次被评为欧洲信息系统领域顶级专家(两次排名第一),是国际信息系统领域著名专家。


    Mikko Siponen is full professor of Information Systems. He has served more than ten years as a Vice Dean for Research, Head of Department, vice head or director of a research center. His degrees include Doctor of Social Sciences, majoring in Philosophy; M.Sc. in Software Engineering; Lic.Phil. in information systems; and Ph.D. in Information Systems. He has received over 10 million EUR of research funding from corporations and numerous other funding bodies. Besides leading industry-funded projects, Siponen has been a PI on projects for the Academy of Finland, the EU, and the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation. His current H index is 42, and he has more than 7200 citations (Google Scholar). He has published more than 55 articles in journals such as MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research. Prof. Siponen is currently a Senior Editor (SE) for Journal of the Association for Information Systems. He has been a special issue SE for MISQ, AE for EJIS, I&M and CAIS. Prof. Siponen has been ranked among the most productive IS scholars Europe and worldwide.


